Locations & Guidelines

Learn about filming policies, boundaries and guidelines from Alexandria’s Film Office.

Filming of public, outdoor space within the City of Alexandria requires an Alexandria Film Permit. Please refer to the information below before submitting an application. If you have questions while completing the application, email [email protected].

For drone filming, please route to the Drone & Aerial Filming page.

Important Deadlines

Film Permit applications should be submitted at least 12 business days in advance of the filming date to allow for processing. Projects of a large scale or with multiple locations, public safety considerations, supplemental permit requirements or other complexities will require more lead time.

Early submission of applications is necessary to contact appropriate City officials for approval and to allow for filing additional permits, if applicable. Some supplemental permits may require a minimum of five business days or more.

The following steps must be completed in order for an application to be considered viable for approval:

  • You submitted the application, paid the application fee and the review process is complete.
  • Your certificate of insurance has been received and vetted.
  • Your supplemental permits, if required, have been applied and paid for, reviewed and issued by other City Departments.
  • Your film permit fees have been received.

City of Alexandria Boundaries

Before applying for a Film Permit, ensure your project is within the City of Alexandria. Some portions of Alexandria are under the jurisdiction of City of Alexandria and other areas are under the jurisdiction of Fairfax County. If your location is in Fairfax County, find contact information for the appropriate film liaisons here.

Please refer to the following resources to determine if your project occurs within the City of Alexandria’s boundaries:

Film Permit Costs

Fees are not refundable.

  • $30 Film Application Processing Fee – Payment for the review and processing of your application, due at the time of application submission.
  • $100 Film Permit Fee – Due after your application has been processed and your film project is approved, this fee covers the issuance of your permit and guidance in navigating City departments to address any other potential requirements.
  • Payment for Film Permit Application & Film Permit Fees – If you are based in the U.S., use the online payment system. If you are based outside of the U.S., please contact Melanie Fallon at (703) 838-4725 or [email protected] to arrange payment.
  • Additional costs – Depending on the scale and scope of your film project additional fees may be incurred for reserved parking, street and sidewalk closures, noise permits, park permits, and security/public safety measures.

Liability Insurance

Commercial general liability insurance in the amount of $1 million is necessary for all shoots on City property.

An ACORD certificate of insurance naming the City of Alexandria (301 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314) as the certificate holder must be received and verified by the Alexandria Film Office before a Film Permit can be issued. It may be submitted by email to [email protected] or mailed to the address below:

Visit Alexandria
ATTN: Allison O’Keefe
277 S. Washington Street, Suite 210
Alexandria, VA 22314

Depending on the nature of the project, additional insurance coverage required may include:

General Liability – $1M Each Occurrence / $2M Aggregate
Automobile Liability – $1M Combined Single Limit (BI/PD)
Workers’ Compensation Insurance – Statutory
Employers Liability Insurance – $1M
Excess Liability Insurance – at least $5M Occurrence/Aggregate (Excess of General Liability, Automobile Liability & Employers Liability)
Cyber Liability Insurance – at least $10M Each Claim/Aggregate
Drone/Unmanned Aircraft System – at least $5M Each Occurrence Limit

Special Considerations

Some film projects require more time for permitting, supplemental permits or other considerations.

  • UAS (drone) Filming/ Aerial Photography & Film: Refer to the Drone & Aerial Filming page.
  • Still Photography: Still photography does not require a Film Permit. Note: Still photography may require other permits from the City of Alexandria depending on the location and scope of the project.
  • B-roll: A Film Permit is required for b-roll or other quick shots in public space.
  • Filming Indoors: Filming indoors does not require a Film Permit. Note: B-roll or quick shots of public space (sidewalks, streets) around the property does require a Film Permit.
  • Private Property: Filming on private property must be arranged with property owners separately and is not covered by this application and permit. However, please inform the Film Office of your filming plans so we can update various City departments in case there are public inquiries, or if we can help connect you with local businesses and hotels. Note: B-roll or quick shots in public space (sidewalks, streets) around the private property does require a Film Permit.
  • Multiple Locations: Film projects with multiple locations within the City of Alexandria may require a longer lead time than the typical six business day submission deadline.
  • Carlyle Neighborhood: Filming in any areas of the Carlyle neighborhood requires an additional approval from the Carlyle Council that meets monthly.
  • Filming in City Parks: Film projects that occur in City Parks must first apply for a Film Permit and then submit a supplemental Park Film Permit and Park filming fee. This requires a longer lead time than the standard Film Permit timeline. Note: Jones Point Park is managed by the National Park Service.
  • Location Release/ Community Notification: Depending on the filming location and the potential impact of your project on the community, you may be required to notify residents or businesses before filming.

Additional Resources

The team at Visit Alexandria is available to help your production secure proposals from hotels for group room blocks or other services to support your production. Please contact the Film Office Manager to learn more about how to connect with businesses in Alexandria.

Below is a list of other film-related resources:

Conditions for Denial of a Film Permit Application

An application for a filming permit may be denied if:

  • There is potential that resource damage or impairment of their value would occur that cannot be mitigated or restored.
  • There is potential of unreasonable disruption of, or conflict with, the public’s normal access to and use and enjoyment of the site(s) being requested.
  • The requested activity would place unreasonable burdens on city staff, regardless of the applicant’s willingness to pay assessed cost recovery.
  • There is likelihood that the activity poses health or safety risks to the public or crew.
  • The requested activity will violate Federal, State, or local laws or regulations.
  • Other activities are already planned or expected to occur at the same location.
  • It involves access to areas normally designated closed or limited to administrative use for resource or safety reasons.
  • The production crew is unwilling or unable to provide proof of insurance or reimburse the city for costs, or fails to satisfy a material condition of the permit.
  • The applicant has had a prior permit revoked within the past year due to non-payment of fees, destruction of city property or facilities, and/or infractions of prior permit terms including, but not limited to, making false or misleading statements.

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