Drone & Aerial Filming

From Our Partners

The Alexandria Film Office coordinates film applications and permits on behalf of the City of Alexandria. 

Those interested in flying a drone within the City of Alexandria should review all information and requirements below before submitting a Drone Filming Application at the bottom of this page. 

If you have questions while completing the application, email [email protected] 

Drone Filming Required Approvals

To fly a drone in Alexandria, these documents must be obtained: a City of Alexandria government letter of support, federal waivers from the FAA, and a City of Alexandria Film Permit.  

To be considered by the City of Alexandria and the FAA for the necessary approvals is a lengthy review process that requires at least one month at the local and federal levels.  

The City of Alexandria is situated within Washington, D.C.’s Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) based on the proximity to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). Per the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, “flying an unmanned aircraft within the 15-mile radius inner ring is prohibited without specific FAA authorization.” 

Local government support from the City of Alexandria is required to obtain FAA waivers. The City of Alexandria reviews drone applications and provides support on a case-by-case basis, generally for large economic development projects. City of Alexandria support is extremely rare. 

Depending on the nature and location of filming, you may be required to notify residents or businesses before filming and/or obtain supplemental permits in addition to a Film Permit. For all other City of Alexandria permits other than the Film Permit, the applicant must coordinate those via the City’s permitting system, APEX. Examples include filming in a park, reserved parking, street closures, etc. 

Drone Filming Costs

Payment for Film Permit Application & Film Permit Fees – If you are based in the U.S., use the online payment system. If you are based outside of the U.S., please contact Melanie Fallon at (703) 838-4725 or [email protected] to arrange payment. 

Fees are not refundable. 

  • $30 Film Application Processing Fee – Payment for the review and processing of your application. Please complete payment when you submit your application. 
  • $100 Film Permit Fee – Payment for the issuance of a film permit, following review and approval of your application.  
  • Additional costs – Depending on the scale and scope of your film project additional permits and or fees may be required. Examples include temporary reserved parking, street and sidewalk closures, noise, filming in a public park, and security/public safety measures. 

Liability Insurance

Commercial general liability insurance in the amount of $5 million per occurrence is necessary for all drone filming on City property.  

An ACORD certificate of insurance naming the City of Alexandria (301 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314) as the certificate holder must be received and verified by the Alexandria Film Office before an Alexandria Film Permit can be issued. 

Drone Filming Application Process

Step 1 

Confirm Filming Location Falls Within the City of Alexandria 

Ensure your location is within the City of Alexandria and not the area of Alexandria that is under the jurisdiction of Fairfax County. Use the following resources to determine if your project occurs within the City of Alexandria’s boundaries: 

Once you’ve confirmed that your filming location falls within the City of Alexandria, proceed to Step 2. 

If your filming location falls outside the City of Alexandria limits, find contact information for the appropriate film liaison here. 

Step 2 

Submit Alexandria Film Permit Application & Supporting Documents 

Fill out the City of Alexandria’s Aerial Film & Photography Application Form at the bottom of this webpage. 

Email the City of Alexandria Film Office at [email protected] with supplemental project details including, but not limited to: 

  • A map of your flight area that identifies your exact flight path, launch and landing locations. Maps submitted should be the same as what is used for your TSA Waiver application. 
  • Client letter demonstrating that your company has been hired for UAS/aerial photography or filming in the City of Alexandria. 
  • Acord COI showing liability insurance coverage for a minimum of $5 million per occurrence. 

Pay the $30 Film Permit application fee here 

Your application will be facilitated by the Alexandria Film Office. Review and coordination will take at least one month. 

If the City of Alexandria supports the project, you will be provided with a signed government letter of support. A signed government letter of support is required for you to obtain the federal FAA waiver, which you will facilitate on your own.

Step 3 

Provide Federal Waivers to Alexandria Film Office 

Once you’ve obtained the necessary federal waivers, email copies of your federal waivers to the Alexandria Film Office at [email protected]. 

Step 4 

Obtain City of Alexandria Film Permit  

Upon receipt of all documentation, federal waivers, and proof of a law enforcement escort, the Film Office will direct you to pay the $100 Film Permit fee. 

Upon receiving payment, the Alexandria Film Office will issue the Film Permit. 

Step 5 


After receiving your federal waivers and your City of Alexandria Film Permit, you are all set to fly your drone. 

Please send an email to [email protected] once your flight has completed. 

Considerations for Denial of a Film Permit

An application for a filming permit may be denied if: 

  • There is potential that resource damage or impairment of their value would occur that cannot be mitigated or restored. 
  • There is potential for unreasonable disruption of, or conflict with, the public’s normal access to and use and enjoyment of the site(s) being requested. 
  • The requested activity would place unreasonable burdens on city staff, regardless of the applicant’s willingness to pay assessed cost recovery. 
  • There is likelihood that the activity poses health or safety risks to the public or crew. 
  • The requested activity will violate Federal, State, or local laws or regulations. 
  • Other activities are already planned or expected to occur at the same location. 
  • It involves access to areas normally designated closed or limited to administrative use for resource or safety reasons. 
  • The production crew is unwilling or unable to provide proof of insurance or reimburse the city for costs or fails to satisfy a material condition of the permit. 
  • The applicant has had a prior permit revoked within the past year due to non-payment of fees, destruction of city property or facilities, and/or infractions of prior permit terms including, but not limited to, making false or misleading statements. 

Drone Filming Application

General Information

Project Details

Please indicate your method of filming or aerial photography

(drone, vehicles, generator, lighting etc.)

(number of people involved in your photo or film shoot)

Reserved Parking

Visit the City of Alexandria website for current parking reservation prices. NOTE: The submission of this information does not guarantee reserved parking. Once the application is reviewed, a separate parking permit must be submitted by the photographer/ pilot no less than 5 business days before the date of filming. 

(street address or meter numbers found inside glass or signage)

Street Closings

Street closings require police officers for traffic direction and control, incurring additional fees.

Sidewalk Closings

Sidewalks must remain open unless filming or safety concerns require closure, incurring additional fees.

Economic Impact for Alexandria


* Indicates a required field.

Film Permits

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