Torpedo Factory Art Center
- 105 N. Union Street Alexandria, Virginia

Founded in 1974 in an old munitions plant, the Torpedo Factory Art Center is home to the nation’s largest number of publicly accessible working artist studios under one roof.
The City of Alexandria manages the Torpedo Factory Art Center as part of the Office of the Arts’ family of programs and facilities.
Each year, more than a half million national and international visitors meet and interact with more than 150 resident artists in 72 studios and 10 galleries. Learn about what inspires them, ask about their creative process, and purchase original work for your collection.
Visit three floors of studios for ceramics, collage, fiber, glass, enamel, jewelry, mixed-media, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture.
Don’t miss the Target Gallery, the Torpedo Factory’s very own contemporary exhibition space. It features high-caliber national and international artists in a variety of visual media on a rotating schedule.
The Torpedo Factory Art Center is also home to The Art League Gallery and School, and the Alexandria Archaeology Museum.
For more information, visit or follow the Torpedo Factory on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest via @torpedofactory.