Tag You’re It!

Tag You’re It! High-Tech-High Touch Experience! Strap on a light-weight, high-tech suit and enter the huge 7,500 square foot multi-level, fog-filled carpeted arena for the adventure of a lifetime! Ramps, catwalks, bridges and passageways throughout the arena create a one-of-a-kind landscape to hold your team building session. Where else can groups from 10 to 250 people take part in a measurable, exciting, “whole-group” activity? Arranged into teams, your participants learn details about the adventure they will take part in and discuss individual team strategies before beginning. Participants get their adrenaline flowing as they interact with others as well as hardware elements in the arena to advance their individual and team positions in the adventure. Multiple scenarios to choose from focus on particular team skills to experience one of the most exciting, insightful team building sessions available in the country.

If interested, please contact our team.