Murray-Dick-Fawcett House

  • 517 Prince Street Alexandria, Virginia

The Murray-Dick-Fawcett House is one of the earliest homes in the city, and possibly the least altered 18th Century home in Northern Virginia.

The 0.3-acre lot, which contains 1770s timber frame and brick dwelling, and a small garden, was one of the few buildings in existence in the area during the American Revolution. The house has been recognized by local historians as a “fascinating microcosm of the complete single family dwelling, containing in addition to the usual living, dining and bedrooms a kitchen, a necessary, rooms for slaves or servants and storage rooms, all under one roof.”

The property was acquired by the City of Alexandria in 2017, with the support of conservation trust funds. It is to be used in perpetuity as a historic site, vest-pocket park and garden, creating new open space in Old Town and preserving this nationally significant architectural and cultural resource for residents and visitors. The former owner has life-tenancy in the house, with public access for special events 12 times per year. In the future, the house will be operated as a museum and educational center focused on domestic life in Alexandria during the 18th and 19th centuries.