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Beautiful orange flowers called Tangerine Beauty fill a garden wall at the bottom of Union Street in Old Town Alexandria. Step down that path towards the water and you’ll find yourself at HUMMINGBIRD, an energetic bar and kitchen inspired by the American spirit of cherished traditions: clambakes and crab boils, fish fries and oyster roasts.

HUMMINGBIRD’s menu follows the rhythm of the seasons and celebrates the Seafood Pride of favorite coastal waters from Chesapeake Blue Crabs to Dublin Bay Prawns. The Blackboard Fish changes daily served with your choice of dipping sauces that arrive table-side in antique caddies. Surf and Turf finds a home in burger-form, local rib-eye steak drizzled with aioli and piled high with buttery lobster meat. Meat lovers can opt for the Brick Lemony Chicken or A Mick’s Grill, the Irish chef’s humor at play on his version of a Mixed Grill, a platter of grilled meats and sublime vegetables — all from the barbie.