Submit Your Event

From Our Partners

Thank you for thinking of for publicizing your event. Your event may be appropriate for one of four calendars: Events Calendar, Arts Calendar, Workshops & Classes Calendar or the Deals & Happenings page.

Please review the requirements before submitting:

  • Must appeal to a visitor
  • Must take place in the City of Alexandria
  • Must include a high-resolution, horizontal image, containing as little text as possible
  • Fundraisers and events at schools and places of worship are not permitted as they are more geared toward a local audience.

If your submission meets these criteria, please fill out the fields below and allow up to two business days for Visit Alexandria to review your submission and consider publishing your listing. Your listing will not automatically be added to the calendar once you click “Submit Event” at the bottom of the form. All events go through a review process and Visit Alexandria retains the right to decide which events are the right fit for our calendars. You will be notified if your submission is approved or not.

Events Calendar:

  • General events occurring within the city that would appeal to visitors
  • Please select “Main” in the Calendar Type drop-down at the end of the form.

Arts Calendar

  • For concerts, exhibitions and other arts events, please select the “Arts” drop-down option at the end of the form.
  • Arts events may appear on both the general events and arts calendars, at Visit Alexandria’s discretion.

Workshops & Classes Calendar

  • The class or workshop must be a one-time (not ongoing) event that would appeal to a visitor.
  • Members can select the “Workshops & Classes” option in the Calendar Type drop-down at the end of the form.

Deals & Happenings Page

  • Access to our Deals & Happenings page is a Visit Alexandria member-exclusive benefit. To join, please contact Melanie Fallon at [email protected] or 703-838-4725.
  • Examples of Deals & Happenings include special offers, promotions and ongoing activities such as trivia nights and tastings.

Please direct any calendar-related questions to Trisha Meisner at [email protected].

From our partners